Hi, I’m Anna!

I facilitate “Sonic Flow” Creative Workshops, which combine my love of transformative sound with my background in writing and creative arts. My intention is to help others access creative flow in their writing (or painting & other artistic mediums) through the experience of a sound bath. I use a 32″ wind gong, crystal singing bowls, ocean drum, elemental Koshi chimes, and other instruments to create sonic journeys.  

I also facilitate meditative sound baths as standalone events or in collaboration with others. I have offered my sound baths at yoga classes, retreats, festivals, academic & spiritual talks, memorial celebrations, and other events. I am always open to working with others – please email anna.is.anna@gmail.com. 

I also have training and experience in peer-support. I have co-facilitated grief groups and ceremonies, mental health peer-support circles, as well as other community healing events. I believe community is the most important tool in healing, and that vulnerability is a strength.


I have a MA in Creative Non-Fiction Writing from City University of London, and a BA in Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. I have ten years of professional writing and editorial experience, although I recently transitioned my career into the nonprofit sphere. I currently work as a Development and Communications Associate at Hospice & Palliative Care of Martha’s Vineyard.

In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, cooking, eating, reading, yoga, meditation, exploring nature, volunteering, journaling, doodling, and treasure hunting.

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